Saturday, April 24, 2010


I'm not really a goal person, hate being pressured to perform, rather let things happen as they will. So setting myself a goal to list 100 items on my etsy store threads in the bed is something I don't usually worry about. But some of my teamies say that the optimum number of items listed is 100 and that is when you get the sales and looks, so I just realized I am at 96 items, so I am going to hurry up and list 4 more just so I can say I did.

Novelty yarns make up most of the items in this store as I have to destash, I just have too many, so I am trying to list a few a day, but danged if someone doesn't up and buy a few every day or so, not that I'm complaining mind you. I love when someone finds some of their favorite yarns and are excited about it and come back to shop again.

The other day I googled a yarn I have been looking for made by Trendsetter, one of my favorite yarn manufacturers, and my store came up about 5 down on the google page as someone who sells Trendsetter yarns. It was quite a funny feeling, of course it listed my buttons bangles and weeds store, which hasn't had yarn in a few years, as I moved my destash to my threads in the bed store, it just seemed more logical to put fibers with fibers.

I have been bad about listing beads and buttons in that etsy store, as I decided to sort them and take pictures just before I list them, but the weather doesn't always cooperate for taking pix when you need them. So my new goal, oh no not another one, will be to list my vintage buttons and beads more regularly. Like a lotto ticket, you can't win if you don't have one, I need to get my buttons and beads listed in order to sell them, duh.

So many goals for this old broad, tweet on twitter, post on your blog, get promoting on facebook, list new items, and still make time to clean the house, work in the garden, etc. - oh the heck with that, the house just gets dirty again, and the weeds just keep popping up. Why bother.