Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I am checking out these funny little quotes in a book called Knitticisms and thought I would share them with you. These are all reasons to buy more yarn.

1.This color just might - someday - be discontinued.

2. Without all that yarn, my stock of knitting needles might get rusty.. There's nothing more embarrassing then rusty knitting needles.

3. you always need accent colors, and you always need main colors to accent.

4. Best to stock up now in case there's a shortage.

5. You don't have to cook it, dust it, scrub it or vacuum it. There's no time for housework anyway when you have knitting on your mind.

6. Yarn stashes insulate the house, you can never have enough insulation for when winter arrives.

7. It's illegal to steal it.

8. To support sheep ranchers. Farming and ranching are touch businesses and they need your help.

9. Just one more skein can't hurt. Never enough yarn. (My personal favorite).

10. You'll save gas buying bulk now, rather than driving back and forth to the shop again later because you know you'll buy it anyway.

11. It's less expensive than therapy.

12. Yarn's not fattening. Happiness is a skein of a low-fat cashmere blend.

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